Discord Bots
Basic Usage

Basic Usage

How to Join a Team

In order to join a team, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You are a Free Agent (you have the Free Agent role)
  • The team's Captain must use the /roster add command once the previous step is completed

How to Create a Team

In order to create a team, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Message an Organizer or Moderator to create your team

How to Manage Your Team

Team management is done 100% through our bot. These are the commands you as a Captain have access to:

  • /roster add - Adds a member to your team
  • /roster kick - Kicks a member from your team
  • /roster set-captain - Sets a new captain and removes yourself as one
  • /edit-team - Change your team's name and color (can only execute once a week)
  • /disband-team - Disband your team. This kicks everyone and sets your team to Disbanded. The data and role are saved in case you want to reform again
  • /team-availability set - Set your team's availability. This will determine what matches you get during the week. By default, all slots are set to false (no availability)

Some other team commands that everyone has access to:

  • /roster view - View a team's roster
  • /team-availability view - View your team's availability.