Discord Bots

/team-availability commands

All team-availability related commands.

These commands have not been changed since their original purpose in NACL. It is planned to get a refactor soon

/team-availability set-time

Set your team's availability.

You must be the Captain of your team to perform this command

Required Options

  • day (Role) - Can only pick one of the following: all, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday
  • slot (Role) - Can only pick one of the following: all, 1, 2, 3 (slots corresponding to region-specific times)
  • available (Boolean) - True if you are able to play, False if not

/team-availability set-locations

Set your team's location preferences

You must be the Captain of your team to perform this command

Additional Options

  • first (Region) Optional - Your first choice location
  • second (Region) Optional - Your second choice location
  • third (Region) Optional - Your third choice location

/team-availability view

View your team's availability.